Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Gestures and Postures during Interviews

Gestures and  Postures:

Your manners and your dress sense certainly say a lot about you, but your gestures and postures may let you down.Your overall impression and personality is bound to appear more impressive , if you are able to control and make the desired modification in your body language.

Your body language clearly depicts your mental attitude. An experienced interviewer would be able to read your mind very clearly through your gestures and postures and the decision is likely to be influenced by it. 

Hence, Be open and honest, in mind and body while you are interviewed At the time of entering the interview venue , walk with a straight head, erect shoulders, fast steps and straight posture. That will give an impression that you are a confident and warm person. Remember that hand shake too conveys a lot about the personality of your attitude towards the other person. 

A well gripped strong and vertical handshake creates a positive impression and tells upon your ardour ,friendliness and enthusiasm. The way you sit itself conveys a lot of subtle information to the people who are going to interview you. 

Hence, sit erect on the chair offered to you with hands resting in lap or on the arms of the chair . Relax and make yourself comfortable.. But, relaxing does not mean that you will sit in a way in which you sit on the sofa in the home. Let your knees point at the interviewer. It shows you are focused right in on them.

 If you are unable to sit still then channel it into hand gestures that back up what you are saying. It shows a certain confidence in the matter you're saying. 

Folding your arms across your chest will convey that you are nervous and negative.

 Slapping of the head indicates forgetfulness. Touching the nose brushing the cheek , looking somewhere else may invite suspicion on the part of your interviewer. Avoid covering too much of space on the interviewer's table with your arms, papers, folder etc. Eyes speak more than the words. 

Maintain your eyes contact true and steady, but remember to blink. Make sure that your gaze doesn't drop below eye level . Shutting eyes for a brief period or blinking it more than the normal pace, rapid glancing to and fro, making short eye contacts may indicate your shortcomings and weakness.

In general avoid all unpleasant activities during the interview. At the interview be bold and positive. But ,do not bluff.

www.asktenali.com - HRD Trainers

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