Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Probable questions that may be asked during an interview Page 2

10. What are your career goals?

11. Are you willing to travel?

12. What interests do you have apart from studies/work? (Hobbies).

13. What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?

14. Do you know anyone who works for us?

15. Are you a team player?

16. How long would you expect to work for us if hired?

17. What is your philosophy towards work?

18. If you had enough money to retire right now, would you?

19. Explain how you would be an asset to this organization?

20. Why should we hire you?

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Probable questions that may be asked during an interview

Probable questions that may be asked during an interview:

1. Tell me something about yourself

2. Give a brief sketch of your family background, what do you know about this organization?

3. What do you know about this company and its products/services?

4. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

5. What qualities do you think will be required for this job?

6. Anything special which you would like to mention about you and your achievement?

7. Are you a member of any professional institutions or social organizations?

8. Are you self-motivated or need any outside stimulation?

9. How many hours are you prepared to work?

10. What are your career goals?

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Questions which you may ask when you are given a chance

Questions which you may ask when you are given a chance:

Where will I be based? 

Where will I fit into the overall organizational structure? 

To whom will I report to? 

What will be my responsibilities? 

Whether any frequent traveling is involved in the job? 

Is there any chance of relocation now or at a later date? 

What will be the salary and other perks? 

What training will be I undergoing? 

What opportunities are there within the company? 

When will I hear the results of the interview?

Lastly thank the company or organization for having given you an opportunity.

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Probable questions that may be asked during an interview

Probable questions that may be asked during an interview:

Sketch of your family background. 

What do you know about this company and its products/services? How long have you been looking for a job? 

What qualities do you think will be required for this job? 

Anything special which you would like to mention about you and your achievement? 

Are you a member of any professional institutions or social organizations? Are you self-motivated or need any outside stimulation? 

How many hours are you prepared to work? 

What are your career goals? 

Are you willing to travel? 

What interests do you have apart from studies/work? 

What will your referees say about you?

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Gestures and Postures during Interviews

Gestures and  Postures:

Your manners and your dress sense certainly say a lot about you, but your gestures and postures may let you down.Your overall impression and personality is bound to appear more impressive , if you are able to control and make the desired modification in your body language.

Your body language clearly depicts your mental attitude. An experienced interviewer would be able to read your mind very clearly through your gestures and postures and the decision is likely to be influenced by it. 

Hence, Be open and honest, in mind and body while you are interviewed At the time of entering the interview venue , walk with a straight head, erect shoulders, fast steps and straight posture. That will give an impression that you are a confident and warm person. Remember that hand shake too conveys a lot about the personality of your attitude towards the other person. 

A well gripped strong and vertical handshake creates a positive impression and tells upon your ardour ,friendliness and enthusiasm. The way you sit itself conveys a lot of subtle information to the people who are going to interview you. 

Hence, sit erect on the chair offered to you with hands resting in lap or on the arms of the chair . Relax and make yourself comfortable.. But, relaxing does not mean that you will sit in a way in which you sit on the sofa in the home. Let your knees point at the interviewer. It shows you are focused right in on them.

 If you are unable to sit still then channel it into hand gestures that back up what you are saying. It shows a certain confidence in the matter you're saying. 

Folding your arms across your chest will convey that you are nervous and negative.

 Slapping of the head indicates forgetfulness. Touching the nose brushing the cheek , looking somewhere else may invite suspicion on the part of your interviewer. Avoid covering too much of space on the interviewer's table with your arms, papers, folder etc. Eyes speak more than the words. 

Maintain your eyes contact true and steady, but remember to blink. Make sure that your gaze doesn't drop below eye level . Shutting eyes for a brief period or blinking it more than the normal pace, rapid glancing to and fro, making short eye contacts may indicate your shortcomings and weakness.

In general avoid all unpleasant activities during the interview. At the interview be bold and positive. But ,do not bluff.

www.asktenali.com - HRD Trainers

Dressing for the Interview


Dress neatly, smartly ,brightly , decently and fit for the occasion .

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Your Bio-data / Resume

  www.asktenali.com - HRD Trainers


Your Bio-data / Resume

Due attention must be given in either filling the standard application form received from the respective organization or the format in which you may try to present your bio-data. 

Your bio-data is a very important document and keep in mind that its sole purpose is to get you an invitation for an interview. Hence attach utmost importance in the preparation and presentation of the same. It is not just what you say, but how you say it too. Try to understand clearly from the advertisement that what the employer is looking for and present them in the best way to show that you have all these qualities. 

While furnishing your personal details be clear , concise and relevant to the job. Stress the positive aspects which drew your attention for applying to this position. With regards to your education and work experience (if any), mention about the most recent things first . 

Always type the letter, unless otherwise it is specified as handwritten.. Prepare a rough draft first . Read it thoroughly to make sure that you have presented everything precisely , correctly and in the way it is expected . Type or write on one side of the unlined A4 sized white paper . Use black color ink only . 

Mention the full date, your full address contact , telephone number and e-mail address. Write/ type your full name underneath your signature.

Invitation for attending an interview, is not a passport for an employment.

Preparation for attending an interview: For attending an interview you need to prepare, so that you can convince the concerned people that you're the right person for the job. 

Try to collect as much information as possible about the company like the company's ethos and culture, services or products of the company, number of employees working there, the reputation of the company, company's financial position, turn over , profitability , their future expansion projects, about their competitors and their performance etc., 

Make sure that you know the correct location of the interview avenue and how to reach there well in time. Even you can have a glimpse of the premises of the company to get some idea of the scale of the company. Also keep ready all the relevant things which you are supposed to take for the interview. You should try to anticipate the general questions which they will ask and also prepare some questions to ask them. 

The interview gives you the opportunity to prove yourself. It is for you to impress and convince the interviewer that you are suitable in all respects for the particular post.